Bingley Grammar School

Our Behaviour System

At Bingley Grammar School we are committed to outstanding pastoral care for all our students and work to ensure that the needs of all are met.

We have developed a strong pastoral team to support our students as they progress on their learning journey at our school. Each year group has two dedicated staff working to support students with any issues that may arise. The year teams respond to concerns raised by students, staff, and parent/carers working to ensure all students make the best of their opportunity at Bingley Grammar School.

Our behaviour model is designed to teach students that they are responsible for their own actions. Students are given the choice to behave appropriately, those not making the right choice are challenged and if continuing to fail to engage receive a consequence. This simple model is used by all staff to give students the opportunity to stop and think about their behaviour and how best to engage with learning. For those who continue to struggle to make the right choices we have a range of further interventions and sanctions including our behaviour support unit, isolation and one to one mentoring. At every stage we involve parent/carers to support us and their children in making the best choice in school.

We reward all students for their achievement, effort and attendance. When students are doing everything right they receive achievement points. Each success is communicated to parent/carers via ClassCharts to encourage you to praise your children for their hard work and positive attitudes. The accumulated achievement points allow students to access a range of rewards as planned and publicised by Heads of Year. Assemblies focus on rewards and at the end of each term students are given the opportunity to win prizes for their contribution to Bingley Grammar School.

The key to improved success at school is outstanding behaviour and attendance. Parent/carer support is crucial, it is when we work in conjunction with each other that we improve the outcomes for all students and ensure that the Bingley Grammar School experience is positive for all. We appreciate all the support we receive from parent/carers in encouraging their children to be successful at Bingley Grammar School.


Click here to view our current Behaviour Policy 

Useful Links:


Student Support and Wellbeing: Worried about something?

Report it.