Bingley Grammar School


Your son or daughter will be making decisions that will have a huge impact on their future and our aim is to support students as much as possible so that they can make informed decisions about their future.

We offer a careers programme which gives students an opportunity to explore the world of work, discover what skills they need for the world of work and what skills they already have that they can build upon.


Click here to view our careers road map >>

If any students would like to request an appointment with the Careers Advisor or have any questions about our Careers programme, please contact Mrs Durrans the Careers Leader for Bingley Grammar School:

Careers & Work Experience Officer - Mrs Durrans.
Tel: 01274 807700




UnifrogBingley Grammar subscribes to this brilliant Careers platform. In Year 7 every student receives the log in details to their own Unifrog account. This account can be used throughout there time at Bingley Grammar School to record their skills interests, activities and access a huge range of careers resources.  

Parents and students can log on together, so they can become part of the careers guidance process

General Careers Advice

There is so much information out there regarding careers and next steps, that it can be daunting. Here are some useful websites to help find out about different careers, different routes in to those and information about the labour market: - Find information about specific careers e.g. entry requirements, rates of pay, job descriptions etc in the 'job profiles' section. The web site is designed to inspire young people to make more effective skills, career, work and life choices. You can also look at what sort of jobs may suit you. – Explore different types of jobs, what jobs you could do from different subjects, information about jobs, University, Apprenticeships and much more. There is also a link to the Buzz Quiz, which helps you discover what type of career may match your personality. - There is a wide selection of job profiles that give information about the job, what you would do, the pay to expect, how to get in to that job and other similar jobs. Under the Careers advice section, there are some helpful guides such as “Top 7 CV mistakes”. If you create an account, you can also do the quiz to see what sort of careers you may find interesting. - Find out about your options after school, college, or sixth form. With lots of information about the routes available to you, to help you decide what to do next. Search for local courses e.g. A Levels, BTECS, Degrees and NVQs. – The government website has an extensive section on employment covering things such as vacancies, the law on minimum wage, tax payments when you work etc. - information about careers within our region and what they may be in the future. Click here for local employment information >> - Information about apprenticeships, jobs, employment & training, sponsored degrees, gap year, work experience and advice centre.


Apprenticeships combine work and study. You will be employed by a company to do a real job whilst studying for a formal qualification. It gives you the opportunity to gain the skills and experience required for many different careers and they are ideal if you have a clear career path that you would like to pursue, or if you like practical 'on the job' training combined with study either through college or a training provider. This way you get to ‘earn while you learn’. - Find loads of information for parents and students about apprenticeships, including how to apply for an apprenticeship as well as hearing from students talking about what it’s really like to be an apprentice. Like the website above there is a link to the government website where you can set up an account to apply for apprenticeships, and subscribe to email updates. - Various guides about the industries that you could have an apprenticeship within and read reviews about the biggest companies and the best companies for apprenticeships. You can also search and apply for apprenticeships. - As the name suggests this is a guide to all you need to know about apprenticeships. You can find out about apprenticeships in different industries or if you don’t know what industry would be of interest there is the option to search by the different school subjects.

Volunteering & Gap Years

Volunteering can be a great way to gain new skills and experience, and depending on the role, can look great on your CV or UCAS application. – Search for volunteering vacancies here.

Some students may decide they want to take a 'gap year' before embarking on their post 18 education - Real Gap gives lots of information and advice on different options available to you: - Gap Year information and advice.

Extra-curricular activities including sports, summer camps and work experience are a great way to build your employability skills as well as skills that help your lifelong learning. – The National Citizen Service, is a brilliant experience, where you can build your confidence and life skills, this includes living away from home for a week whilst making great friends.

The Careers programme and CEIAG Policy is reviewed and updated on an annual basis to identify areas of improvement and reflect any necessary amendments. 

When measuring the effectiveness of the Careers Programme, the school considers a wide range of data including destination data at key transitional times.

The Careers Programme is evaluated in a number of ways, including:

  • Student feedback on their experience of the Careers Programme and what they gained from it
  • Staff feedback on careers lessons and careers activities.
  • Gathering informal feedback from external partners and from parents
  • Students post-16 and post-18 destination data.

We welcome any provider or employer to contribute towards out Careers programme, for further information please see our Provider Access Policy.

Click here to read our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Procedure >>

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