Bingley Grammar School

Our Catering Commitment

We are committed to, and compliant with, the School Food Plan which was published by the Department of Education.

This School Food Plan is about providing good food and a range of healthy options. It is also about improving the academic performance of our children and in turn, the health of our nation.

Click the link to read more:

We thought you might like to know what we offer as our catering provision in school. We hope you find this information useful and reassuring that our students are offered healthy balanced options at lunch and break times.

All our provision is compliant with the School Food Plan, which means our caterers have to follow very strict guidelines in terms of balanced meals and nutritional requirements. Although it is not compulsory for schools to follow these guidelines we feel it is important to do so.

The “fizzy” drinks we sell are actually carbonated water, our pizzas are all low fat/low salt and there are always a variety of options, including vegetarian and halal. There are sandwiches, wraps, ‘grab and go’ options (pasta or noodles with different sauces), jacket potatoes, salad boxes and a variety of hot main meals, plus yogurts and fruit. Our cakes and biscuits (only on offer during our lunch service) are fully school compliant - a chocolate brownie might sound indulgent but we only provide low fat and low sugar options. We don’t sell sweets, and fried foods are strictly limited to once per week - fish and chip Friday!

Please check out our various menu options.

Unfortunately not many students now want to sit down and have a main meal; the majority want to “grab and go” in order to be outside with their friends, and this is not helped by the limited time of half an hour available for lunch break. This means that, whilst we have a variety of main meals, we do have to provide more “grab and go” options to satisfy students, although the aim is still for a healthy balanced meal. 

Our restaurant manager, Lindsey Miller, is always happy to speak to parents about the service and welcomes parents to visit us in school during lunchtime to view the service (obviously this will not be possible during the current coronavirus crisis).

We try to vary the options regularly and we are also happy to receive suggestions for new items to offer. Please contact the restaurant manager with any suggestions on

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