Bingley Grammar School


It is our aim to make the exam experience as successful and stress-free as possible for our students and parents.


General exam timetables will be published here as soon as the information becomes available. These are intended as a guide only and may be subject to change. We will issue pupils with a personal exam timetable showing exact dates and times as soon as we can. Please note practical and speaking tests are not included and details of these will be given to pupils by their subject teacher. Sometimes candidates have a clash where two exams are scheduled for the same time. In most cases these would just follow on from each other. Please check that all personal details (date of birth, spelling of names) are accurate as these will appear on certificates and will be difficult to change once certificates are awarded.

Exam Regulations

The exam boards set down strict regulations for the conduct of exams which the school and its pupils are required to follow. The JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) Information for Candidates will be issued to pupils before each exam series. This explains these rules in detail. Candidates should read this carefully and note that any breach of these regulations will be reported to the awarding body and could lead to disqualification.


There may be exceptional circumstances when you think a pupil may not be able to sit an exam in which case please contact the Exams Office immediately for advice.

If you have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the exams please contact us using the details in the Contact section.

Exam information

General exam timetables will be published on EdulinkOne as soon the information becomes available. …. We will issue pupils with a personal exam timetable on EdulinkOne showing exact dates and times. Please use the link below:

Unauthorised Items Poster

Candidate Warning

Preparing to sit your exams

Information For Candidates - Written Examinations

Information For Candidates - Non Examination Assessments

Information For Candidates - Coursework Assessments

Information For Candidates - On-Screen Examinations

Information For Candidates - Privacy Notice

Post Results Services

Notice to students - post results services

Student Support and Wellbeing: Worried about something?

Report it.