Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
In September 2022 Bingley Grammar School is reinstalling its tutor system therefore placing form time and PSHCE at the heart of the everything we do to ensure that our students Belong, Grow and Succeed both here in school and in wider life.
Within form time there will be a daily diet linked into themes within PSHCE and the schools ethos of Belong, Grow, Succeed. Below is a suggested outline for staff to follow with a key focus on being ready for school but also being aware of the wider world and in particular gaining key skills to help them succeed:
Monday: Uniform and Equipment Check - This is done every day, however, Monday is a focal point within the week, it also allows the tutor to focus on any weekend issues the class may have had.
Tuesday: LORIC – Led by Mrs Cartledge and Mrs Wentling - students they spend the morning evaluating where they are in terms of their LORIC journey and completing any tasks set.
Wednesday: House – Led by the Heads of House - Activities for that term which lead up to the event being done
Thursday: Holocaust Education and Race Chartermark – Led by Miss Shah/Ms Mdlongwa/Mrs Qayyum – Activities completed on alternate weeks linked to two school wide initiatives liked to tackling discrimination
Friday: Tutor Award - this award goes out to the person who has achieved whatever the target was for the previous week. This could be anything ranging from most achievement points, to not forgetting any equipment.
The above is designed to create a belonging to a particular group in school and in turn, the wider school with a far greater focus on Personal Development, however, to do this students need to be engaged and informed through the PSHCE curriculum. This PSHCE curriculum will be delivered once per week, where the whole school will stop and everyone will have PSHCE with their form tutor.
PSHCE itself is split into six strands:
- Transition and LORIC
- British Values and Democracy
- Health, Well Being and Relationships
- My Life; Making choices and personal growth
- E – Safety
- Careers and wider life
This is supported by an RSE curriculum, which is taught in stand-alone sessions with external speakers and within the subjects of Science, PE and RE.
We also have drop down days to cover specific areas such as:
- Careers and Wider Life in Yr 10
The assembly programme underpins this with students having a weekly assembly, which builds on either the PSHCE topics:
- Peer to Peer Abuse
- Hate Crime (Protected Characteristics)
- Use of Social Media
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
- Prevent
Or stand alone matters which need addressing:
- Rewards
- Behaviour around school
- Railway and Road Safety
- Conflicts around the world
The above is also shaped by our Student Leadership Group who lead on the physical delivery of key areas therefore ensuring the students lived experience informs our PSHCE delivery. However, it is not just in the specific PSHCE lessons and assemblies that this will be delivered, all subjects have audited where they also support the delivery of PSHCE therefore raising the profile of this important subject, for example in Literacy:
Year 7 reading lessons
Term 1- ‘Boy Underwater’ by Adam Baron. Addresses the narrator’s mother’s mental breakdown and the effect this has on his life. Health, Well Being and Relationships
Term 2- ‘Goldfish boy’ by Lisa Thompson. Addresses what it is like to live with severe OCD. Health, Well Being and Relationships
Term 3- ‘Being Miss Nobody’ by Tasmin Winter. Addresses bullying including online and social media. Health, Well Being and Relationships and Peer to Peer Abuse.
Year 8 reading lessons
Term 1- ‘Welcome to Nowhere’ by Elizabeth Laird. Portrays the life of a boy escaping Syria as a refugee. Health, Well Being and Relationships and British Values and Democracy
Term 2- ‘A Kind of Spark’ by Ellie McNicoll. Portrays the life of a girl with autism and how her condition aids and shapes her life. Health, Well Being and Relationships
Term 3- ‘Ways to Live Forever’ by Sally Nicholls. The teenage narrator dies from leukemia. A story about dealing with grief but also making the most of your life! Health, Well Being and Relationships and My Life; Making choices and personal growth
With this also being supported by books purchased for The Library:
‘The Art of Being Normal’ by Lisa Williamson. Addresses what it is like to be transgender. High ability Year 8 and older only. Health, Well Being and Relationships
‘All About Mia’ by Lisa Williamson. Sibling rivalry and substance abuse. High ability Year 8 and older only. Health, Well Being and Relationships
‘The Night Bus Hero’ by Onjali Rauf. Homelessness and bullying. Health, Well Being and Relationships and Peer to Peer Abuse.
‘The Star Outside my Window’ by Onjali Rauf. Domestic violence. Health, Well Being and Relationships
Therefore overall we feel there is an excellent emphasis placed upon PSHCE and we look forward seeing this grow and develop this year.