Bingley Grammar School

Mr Atkinson's Friday Update 17.03.23

Good afternoon, 


I hope everyone is well. Recent feedback has said I need to try and make my updates shorter. I promise to try with this, however, I always have a lot to update on! 


Social Media 


We have recently held an evening for parents to learn about the internet and how to use it safely. We would also like to share the following website link which could help and support you:


July Enrichment Days


Mr Ward and Mrs Helliwell have been working hard to create an offer for all this July. This week they have emailed details to all parents. If you have missed this, please see the link below for more details: 


Thank you for the kind feedback you have already given for this. It is great to see enrichment days up and running again which the whole school can access. 


Thank you to Mr Ward and Mrs Helliwell who have crafted this together and also the many staff who have put ideas forward. 


Visitors in school 


This week we again were lucky enough to welcome Arek Hersh (Holocaust survivor) and his wife Jean to speak to Y7 students. Some Y7 students also had lunch with Arek and Jean and were able to ask questions directly to them about his life and experiences. 


Thank you to Miss Shah for once again making this opportunity happen for our students and I know a more detailed article will be following soon.


Young Carers/Comic Relief 


This week also saw Mrs Faunch's first online assembly with the focus on young carers with the money raised through our non-uniform day for Comic Relief going to support this. 


Mrs Faunch will also be running a weekly session for any young carers in our school on a Monday morning from 8.30 - 8.50. If you would like more information about this please email 


Earthquake Appeal 


Rehan in Y12 also came to see me this week regarding a fundraising event for the Turkey/Syria earthquake appeal. He is currently getting a team together to run an event at the end of Ramadan. 


Currently he is looking at a traditional 'bake sale', however, with a wide variety of food on offer. If parents would like to contribute items to this, please do get in contact with, as Rehan has openly said his cooking/baking is not the best!  


Student Leadership


With regards to student leadership, Mr Riley is meeting with our 'ministers' next week. Our ministers are: 


- Culture, Media and Sport  - Lilly Ann Pickles/Isabelle Woods

- Education - Lucy Holt/Eva Child-Clewes

- Environment and Transport - Elana Boyes 

- Equality - Rosie Mae/Olivia Myers

- Finance, Economy and Charity - Ethan Cattle/Raheesah Ameer

- Student Wellbeing - Paula Marshall/Josephine Anderson 


They are being supported by: 


- Form/House Reps

- Year Reps


Who will be their eyes and ears regarding student voice in each tutor and year group. 


Mental Health Support Team


The NHS Mental Health Support Team who are part of our well-being offer in school have asked us to share the following attachment with you. Please remember to contact your son/daughter's year team if you ever have any worries and we can explore a number of options for support. 


Finally...Well done Wednesdays


This half term has seen the introduction of 'Well done Wednesdays,' with early lunch passes being the prize. It has been a joy to meet such amazing students, in particular this week, I met the 47 young ladies who play football each Friday after school. A big thank you to Mr Swaan who runs this and has seen the group develop from 6 young ladies to 47...I know this number will be even higher soon. 


Best wishes 


Mr Atkinson 


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