Bingley Grammar School

Computing Hub - West Yorkshire

Bingley Grammar School is delighted to be part of the National Centre for Computing Education network of Computing Hubs. The courses available from the NCCE are a great opportunity to learn and develop new skills and techniques that can be implemented into your classroom practice.

We provide CPD, help and support for both primary and secondary schools across West Yorkshire.

As your local Computing Hub at Bingley Grammar School, we support the work of the National Centre for Computing Education, providing high quality computing subject-specific, professional development. There are currently a range of courses aimed at teachers of KS1 to KS5, with subsidy funding available for a variety of courses on offer.

For information about financial support (including free training and subsidies) please go to:

The aim is to increase the number of pupils in schools and colleges who study computer science at GCSE, AS and A level, particularly girls and in disadvantaged areas, and ensure that there is a strong pipeline of digital skills.

We are delighted to introduce you to the CPD we have planned this year, including courses for your whole department – from NQTs to department leaders.

For more information please look at our online magazines:

Primary Brochure 

Secondary Brochure

Click here to read how the NCCE's work is supporting thousands of teachers

Click here to view current courses on offer

Computing Support

Teaching staff can work towards a number of certificates to enhance their subject knowledge and can work through the Computing Quality Framework to achieve the Computing Quality Mark.

Primary Computing Certificate

Secondary Computing Certificate

GCSE Computer Science Subject Knowledge Certificate

I Belong Programme

Computing Quality Framework

Contact Us

General Enquiries:

Follow us on Twitter:@ComputingHubBIY

Computing Quality Mark 2024 Award:

Our Team

Hub Lead - Charles Briggs

Secondary Computing Hub lead - Daniel Watson

Secondary SME - Claire Garside

Primary Lead and SME - Helen Cotton

Primary SME - Tim Bleazard

Hub Admin - Donna Frankland

Student Support and Wellbeing: Worried about something?

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