Bingley Grammar School

The House System


Bingley Grammar School has been operating the House System since the 17th Century and it is still an important part of school life.

Students are put into Houses on joining the school in Year 7 and compete in various house competitions throughout the school year. Each student wears a tie with their house colours running through it.

Team Spirit

The students and teachers all get behind their Houses and are linked through healthy competition and a sense of belonging to a team. The system particularly rewards involvement in the school's non-academic and after-school events, such as sports and clubs. We also award points for attendance and positive behaviour in school.


Each House runs charitable events for their nominated charity and the amounts raised are often astonishing. The charities also come into school to give the students a real sense of what they are working for and to raise awareness amongst the students.


The house names originated from the wealthy benefactors that contributed to the foundation of the school, a brief history of them can be found here >>

House Captains

At the beginning of the year one boy and one girl from each year group are chosen as House Captains. There are also four teachers who have taken up the mantle of Head of House and organise many of the events and House activities. These are:

Mr D Swann

Head of Wooller House

 Mr S Bukhari

Head of Oldfield House

Mrs H Bleasby

Head of Milner House

Mrs A White

Head of Sunderland House

House Competitions

House competitions take place throughout the year giving students the opportunity to win house points. The house points are added together, along with points students receive for academic achievement, and the house with the most points at the end of the year wins the overall house competition. 

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