Bingley Grammar School


September and October

Settling into the Sixth Form.

Developing skills to be an effective independent learner.

Initial Subject Assessments.

November and December

Focus on Future Opportunities.

Using the Unifrog Destinations Platform.

Oxbridge and Medics Sessions.

January to April

Tutor Sessions.

Focus on Extra Curricular and Super Curricular.

Personal Statements.

Options at 18/Higher Education Guidance Event for Parents and Students (date to be confirmed).

May and June

External Exam Season.


UCAS Sessions.

Focus on Careers.


30 September

School deadline for applications to Oxbridge and for medical, veterinary and dentistry applications.

15 October

UCAS deadline for early entry applications.

1 December

School deadline for UCAS applications.

29 January

UCAS deadline for application that are guaranteed to be considered by institutions.

February to April

Tutor Mentoring.

Careers Interviews.

Focus on Apprenticeships.

May and June

External Exam Season.

Student Support and Wellbeing: Worried about something?

Report it.